

Play it smart and pick your theme as soon as you find a wedding reception location so that it’s easi

Play it smart and pick your theme as soon as you find a wedding reception location so that it’s easier to coordinate your decorations, bridal dress favors, flowers, dresses, menu and all the other items required when it revolves around a theme. Your theme might simply be a color scheme, or exciting as a cultural theme, either way, your wedding will be a mirror of you and your partners new lives together. Beach weddings are fast becoming a trend now days. A lot couples want to move away from traditional weddings and have started opting for theme based weddings. And beach wedding is one of the more popular ones. The reasons why beach weddings are popular are that these can be arranged in a relatively shorted duration, Chapel Train 2011 Spring Wedding Dress WT-012 an do with less decorations and is comparatively informal than traditional one. So, if you have decided to have your wedding at a beach, you are going to pick up a dress which goes with this theme. The traditional gown and veil won’t do. Think about it, you are going to make a mess of your beautiful dress on a beach if it is a long flowing white satin gown with a long train. The dress could end up in a mess. While choosing your dress you will have to make sure that you are very comfortable in it. Since the wedding is on a beach, it should not be long. You can go for a lightweight material like chiffon, silk, linen or satin. It is best if it is pretty simple. A simple yet elegant wedding dress would add to the romantic setting on the beach. A sarong would make a lovely wedding dress if you can carry it well along with a nice halter top. Spaghetti Straps Flowergirl Dress You can also go for a strapless or spaghetti straps which would look very beautiful on the beach
Par aa123 le jeudi 16 juin 2011


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