

I interviewed blue grass musicians

Not only is there a character, there is adventure. While traveling, you get to try new adventures you never anticipated before. Asymmetric Flaps Slim Column Floor Length Mother Dress On a trip to Alabama, we visited the Alabama Music Hall of Fame. My goal and dream as a teenager was to become a famous singer. Unfortunately, I never pursued that dream until I stepped into the Alabama Music Hall of Fame, and there, I was able to record a song while the group cheered me on. My dream was now reality! On a trip to Kentucky, I interviewed blue grass musicians, coal miners, male quilt makers, and singers. During each interview, I discovered that regardless who they were, despite all of the adversities in life, these people held a passion for life in their hearts, Winter Wedding Dresses 2010 and a love for their town and artistry. Each time I meet and interview someone, I am inspired with new stories to tell. On another trip, I met a mother who was desperate to save her daughter’s school in Kentucky. The more we talked, the more I realized this was a story I needed to tell others, and I am still sending queries pertaining to her story and the educational plans of Kentucky. The methods I use to determine if a story is marketable are to determine the angle I will use and I research the markets, answering the questions Who is the story targeting to and what angle? What markets may I approach? Who cares about this story? Resources I use weekly Slim A Line Skirt Mother Dress MT-0035 Guidelines, 4th Edition by Brigitte M. Phillips, Susan D. Lassen, and Doris Hall The Internet Fortunately, after many hurdles, I now have editors approaching me about story ideas.
Par aa123 le lundi 27 juin 2011


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